Alexander Corcoran


Alexander Corcoran here, most just call me Alex and my fit fam throws the Coach in there. My early connection to fitness was actually growing up before cell phones were a thing, so I was out all the time climbing walls and pretending I was in the WWF with the neighbor kids. Being motivated by keeping my family and friends healthy, I started a career in fitness 10 years ago. Raising my 6 kids at the same time I went to school for exercise science and finally got my BA in 2020 from Towson University. I did personal training early on but found group fitness as I got into Crossfit in 2018 and now have a L-2 certificate. Since I have gained experience coaching many formats of conditioning as well as Olympic lifting, Power lifting, gymnastics, endurance training and sport conditioning.

Training is the most exciting job I’ve ever had, it’s fun, energetic, and seeing people transform into their best selves builds my heart muscle up in a way cardio can’t. I have 2 main purposes as I train my athletes, yes you are an athlete or you will be training with me and that is because you will gain the skills of preventing injuries and increasing your performance. The human anatomy fascinates me and with a strong understanding and will to act one can mold themselves into anything. I look forward to providing world class coaching by continually educating myself, adapting my training as I help others adapt to their lifestyles.

I’ve done it all and look forward to doing more, but just like a long road trip the car has to be maintained and I found that if we maintain the body, we can extend our journey living and have more opportunities.

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